“Are We Free from Inhibitions?”

(Humble Respect and Gratitude to Independence Day)
      My India, New India and Great India got Independence on 15th August 1947 and we do celebrate this day as Independence Day every year all across the country with lot of zeal, happiness, joy and sense of pride for the nation.  Every citizen of the great nation deserves Congratulations on this occasion. Let us pay our rich tributes to all those great personalities who have been behind the Independent India.  We are very proud of our all freedom fighters; soldiers; social workers, reformers, and activists; great torch bearers of freedom movement; and all brave hearts who sacrificed their everything for the freedom movement as great cause.  Due to the sacrifice and contributions of all those, we have been living peacefully.
      Can we imagine what and how much sacrifice has been made by our brave freedom fighters renouncing each and everything for the nation and its freedom? This is very difficult to understand. If they had overcome various inhibitions of self, family and society then only they would sacrifice for motherland.  Let us try to learn lessons from their renunciation and break the barriers of self inhibitions to make the great India as New India, as Mera Bharat! Naya Bharat!!
      We can win over the challenges and overcome the Self inhibitions. Inhibitions that stop us in participation towards society, environment and nation building.  Inhibitions that stop us include “I cannot do this and I do not have time”; “This is not my Duty”; “I am afraid of doing this”; “I prefer to ignore it”; “I do not want to change my mindset” etc. and in fact, we do live in slavery of these inhibitions. Let us introspect few of the inhibitions which we should be free from.
     Freedom from Inhibition #1 (“I cannot do this and I do not have time”): When it comes to contribute or serve something for social or national cause, we come across a biggest challenge that inhibits us is a syndrome “I cannot do this”; I do not have expertise, money or time to engage in such activities. This is not correct thinking because serving to poor fellow, for social or national cause does not necessarily require money but some of our time that we could give for the people who are not educated and need to be made aware about various beneficiary schemes envisaged for them.  Can we not think of giving around 50 to 100 hours for underprivileged and the society; the reason being it gives immense happiness and eternal satisfaction.
    Freedom from Inhibition #2 (“This is not my Duty”): Many of us talk big in public domain about eradication of several problems such as pollution and garbage but when it comes to actual practice some of us do not hesitate in throwing the garbage in adjacent open space to house or anywhere else without thinking its adverse effect on environment and nature. Charity begins at home and therefore we have to think that protection of environment; fight against pollution’; pledge for clean India are my own duties towards larger cause for healthy and happy society.
    Freedom from Inhibition # 3(“I am afraid of doing this”): We come across few corrupt practices, illegal activities and crimes but we do not collect courage to raise our voice against the same thinking that if we oppose the corrupted people would harm us and our family. To some extent the thought is true but if we join hands and oppose and hate the corruption and corrupt practices jointly in a team then we can help the society and nation in becoming corruption free and crime free India.
  Freedom from Inhibition # 4(“I prefer to ignore it”): Few of the incidences and activities that are anti-national and immoral and we know about these but we ignore stating what business I have BUT this affects national development and therefore we should stand up; take the matter seriously and report to the concerned authority. On street or road, some misbehaves with senior citizen, women and specially-abled persons; we should not ignore it because some day we can suffer with such mishaps.  We need to be free from the slavery of the syndrome that I better should ignore it.
     Freedom from Inhibition # 5 (“I do not want to change my mindset”):  Another biggest challenge or inhibition that we ignore and neglect is our mindset. If there is any incidence of molestation and misbehavior with women and kids which is due to slavery of demon mindset. We should respect everyone irrespective of sex, caste and religion.
    Let us pledge together to contribute towards Mera Bharat! Naya Bharat!! by getting rid of and freeing ourselves from inhibitions that stop us in engaging with the activities related to societal development; value education; humanity and mankind; protection of environment; respect and love to everyone; and above all love the great country! This would be true tribute to all those who gifted us Independent India! Jai Hind! Jai Bharat!!  (For feedback: drgrsinha@ieee.org)  


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