New Normal is the way to Sustainable Growth

New Normal is the way to Sustainable Growth

The current article is based on new lifestyle and normal way of life that everyone of us has started leading. The focus is on how does New Normal demonstrate the ways towards sustainable growth of an individual, organization, nation, and the world as a whole.

(This article expresses the completely personal opinion and views of Prof. Sinha)

       Covid-19 time has been extremely difficult for everyone across the world which has affected the normal lives of all adversely, irrespective of age, religion, sex, ethnicity, nationality etc. The developed countries with world-class and state-of-art infrastructure have been simply helpless due to the severity and nature of the Corona virus. The families just have got stuck whenever they were for months together.  The patients suffering from other chronic and common illnesses had to suffer a lot due to lockdown situations everywhere in the world. This is dark side of the Covid-19 pandemic with which everyone and every nation has been fighting with huge courage and service to the people since the beginning of this year 2020. But, the positive side of the tough time or so-called corona time has taught a number of life lessons with which people have started living their normal life, as what is being called as “New Normal”. The evolution of this New Normal has taken place through a wide range of lessons or teachings for people from all walk of life. Few lessons are being highlighted here, as follows:
§  Blended Leaning is the new way of Learning: Before this pandemic, most of leaners, students, teachers and others used to prefer offline mode of teaching learning processing which is also known as physical learning.  Immediately after the spread of the virus, educational institutes and universities had to be stopped due to lockdown as precautionary measures to stop the spread of the virus; due to which online mode of teaching-learning gained mammoth momentum and this is still continuing. No one knows when will the spread of virus stop until its vaccine comes in the market and therefore every learner across the world is using online learning. The biggest benefit that could be seen in this mode of learning that the people now realized the power of digital and technology-enabled learning. Almost all meetings for different purposes right from a community meeting to international level meeting started happening online. The universities have been organizing series of online events bringing international speakers. One great lesson is outcome of this online practice, which suggests using both online and physical learning together as blending learning to achieve better learning outcomes in universities and academic activities, after the corona situation is over.
§  Disciplined Life following non-traditional health paths: Due to this virus, everyone has realized that physical distance and enhanced immunity are only solutions to be safe against the deadly virus and thus people have started leading more disciplined life with the emphasis on no-traditional practices of health like Yoga and physical activities. Immunity is the term on everyone’s tongue and for enhancing the immunity, almost everyone has become health-conscious that involves not only precautions but healthy life style.
§  Love for Environment and Nature: Most of the time during the pandemic, people are staying at home and engaged in “work from home” which allows them to spend some quality time with nature and environment by getting involved in physical work in gardens, farm houses etc. Due to reduced movement of transport systems, the environment has become cleaner than before with less pollution level and this is being realized by everyone that love and care for nature is essential to lead healthy life. When lockdown was imposed in most parts of world, then we could see animals like tiger, dears coming on streets inside city and villages. So, love for all and care for all is the new mantra for future to lead happy and healthy life.
§  Enhanced Bonding, Values, and Respects in Families: Fore few weeks, especially during complete lockdown all members of family stayed together except those who got stuck somewhere else due to cancellation of flights and other transports. For those, who stayed in house together, felt the values, mutual respects and care for everyone in the family. Those who had been very busy due to work could find so much time to spend as quality with parents, kids, grandparents and learnt a lot from grandparents about life long lessons. The people who got stuck also realized the importance of family boning, mutual respect and values being away, in better way than ever before.  Now, people believe that family is biggest strength that can help in overcoming any hardships in life.
§  Technology Driven Society: Wireless technologies and smart phones have empowered to access wide range of information, reports, literature, study materials etc. which have empowered the society. The health awareness programs, beneficiary scheme direct transfers, online counselling are few major takeaways during the tough time for all in the society.  Digital World has become a Small Global Village where anyone across the world can communicate seamlessly, swiftly and easily.
§  So, New Normal is the way to Sustainable Growth: The current time has taught a number lessons and people have started changing life style, work style etc. This is called as New Normal, and which is based on the changes and transformations were brought by the pandemic that have led people realize changing their ways to lead happy and healthy life. The government and other organizations are thinking of avoiding a number pf physical meetings in which huge amount of money was spent, that would be saved and used for some other constructive purposes. The New Normal with blended learning; world and global village; love for environment; family bonding; technology-empowerment and so on will actually transform the society for sustainable growth of an individual as well as nation


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