My brain says: “Stop working” but my heart says: “Keep going”

My brain says: “Stop working” but my heart says: “Keep going” (Recently, I had 8 flights in just 4 days and didn’t sleep properly. Came back to Mandalay, Myanmar and fight between my brain and heart started since I became sick after hectic work and travel. This piece of contribution highlights fight between my heart and brain) My brain says: “Stop working” but my heart says: “Keep going”… If listen to my brain, then I take rest and stop working…. Then I become unhappy because I no longer contribute for other’s wellbeing…… Brain requests me take rest and take care about my health… My lovely heart convinces me that continuous work is only my true wealth…. The work leads happiness and satisfaction in others, creating knowledge wealth…… Fight between brain and heart goes on… Brain says not to take upon.... But heart says: oh come on and move on……….. My intelligent brain says stop overthinking…. Heart says not to worry, keep thinking and contributi...